All Profiles >> Waffles (5 months old)

Waffles (5 months old)

Age 5 month(s)
Looking for Adopt
Gender Male
Breed Domestic Short Hair
Primary Color White
Current Fosterer BFFRescueCats
Contact Number 90025111

Adopt little Waffles!


Waffles was found at Hougang, when he dashed in front of a car 🥲 His rescuer thought he was a rat, as he was found underweight at 470g, which was smaller than average for his age 🥲


He has now gained a lot of weight and grew a small belly 🥹 Waffles e is very playful and loves cuddles. As he’s still young, he would need pawrents who can teach him boundaries while giving him lots of love.


Adopters must have fully meshed homes or are willing to mesh as Waffles is a climber and has no fears.


More details:

– Male, 5 months old

– FELV/FIV negative

– vaccinated, pending final one

– sterilised

– great for multicat households especially for cats who can be firm with a kitten

– needs a lot of play time and loves sleeping with humans

– experienced cat owners encouraged but first time cat owners are welcome. We will provide you with a lot of guidance and help.


Interested adopters may whatsapp 9002 5111. Please do not call.

Cat Welfare Society

At Cat Welfare Society we believe every cat should live a life free from fear and suffering. This is why we exist, to help those who can't help themselves.


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