All Profiles >> Taffy & Muffy

Taffy & Muffy

Age 7 year(s)
Looking for Adopt or Foster
Gender Unknown
Breed Pedigree/Cross
Primary Color Others
Current Fosterer Laurianda


Muffy is an adorable British Shorthair, who loves her naps and cuddle times.
Her companion, Taffy, is a Persian. He loves lounging and chilling around.

Both cats are shy and quiet to new faces. But once they warm up to you, they can be quite friendly!
Muffy is cuddly and will express her affections with head butts and loud purrs, while Taffy gets more vocal and talkative. They have no diet restrictions and can be put on kibbles and wet food diets. Don’t forget to give them some treats from time to time!

As they are used to spending a lot of time together, we would prefer them to be adopted as a pair.

Cat Welfare Society

At Cat Welfare Society we believe every cat should live a life free from fear and suffering. This is why we exist, to help those who can't help themselves.


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