All Profiles >> Adopt Ronja, Mattis, Dana, and Sana

Adopt Ronja, Mattis, Dana, and Sana

Age 3 month(s)
Looking for Adopt
Gender Unknown
Breed Domestic Short Hair
Primary Color White
Current Fosterer Patricia
Contact Number 98770213

SG Kitty Rescue Adoption Notice 🐈🐈🐈

Ronja, Mattis, Dana, and Sana are four young kittens who will bring a lot of joy and life into your home. The four kittens were rescued from two different locations; the Tanah Merah depot and a hoarder home. They are now ready for adoption. The three and four month old kitties are wonderful kittens full of happy energy.

Dana is a cute white and makerell tabby girl who absolutely loves humans and is always looking for cuddles and playtime. She is the bravest of the siblings and loves humans as much as to play with her siblings.
Sana is a beautiful white and makerell tabby girl who looks very much like her sister Dana, but who is a more shy towards strangers. Yet, like her sibling, she is very food and play motivated, and food and play are the highways into her heart ❤️

Ronja is a three months old girl who is a total sunshine. She loves humans and is full of playful energy. She is totally bonded with her brother Mattis and they need to be adopted together.
Mattis is a darling boy who is full of energy and very much a manja kitty in the making. He is always looking for human attention or is playing with his sister.

All kittens need to be adopted in pairs or as a companion kitty to avoid Single Kitten Syndrome. Please read more about the problems arising from keeping single kittens here:

Ronja and Mattis have to be adopted as a pair, but Dana and Sana can be adopted as companion cats into households that have existing kittens or very young cats 💕

Adopters have to mesh their house, keep them indoors at all times, and agree to house visits. The siblings need to be microchipped and vaccinated on adoption and sterilised at the age of 5 to 6 months. 😺😺😻

Adoption fees apply.

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Cat Welfare Society

At Cat Welfare Society we believe every cat should live a life free from fear and suffering. This is why we exist, to help those who can't help themselves.


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