All Profiles >> Kittens


Age 2 month(s)
Looking for Adopt
Gender Male
Breed Domestic Short Hair
Primary Color Tabby
Current Fosterer sulian
Contact Number 96209976

Meet these two exceptionally cute male kittens, about 10 weeks old. They are very sweet and precious kittens who can be playful and loving. They are interested in toys and like to climb the scratching post. Will make lovely additions to anyone’s family.

The kittens are pretty independent. Each of them is happy to explore and play on his own… Hence, they can be adopted individually or in pair.

If you would like to adopt one or both kittens, willing to mesh the home and feed a mixture of good quality soft/dry food, please contact 9620 9976.

p.s. Meshing and home visit will be required.
The kittens must be sterilized at the age of 5-6 months as a condition of adoption

Cat Welfare Society

At Cat Welfare Society we believe every cat should live a life free from fear and suffering. This is why we exist, to help those who can't help themselves.


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