All Profiles >> Chase- good & friendly with children

Chase- good & friendly with children

Age 4 year(s)
Looking for Adopt or Foster
Gender Female
Breed Domestic Short Hair
Primary Color Tabby
Current Fosterer an_gel84
Contact Number 97214712

Chase is a pretty and expressive female cat. She will make it known that she needs food, scratches or treats.

She will welcome you home after a long day at work with a shout and flop. She doesn’t demand alot of attention and will leave you be after a play session. She might take some time to warm up with other cats, so she might do better in a single cat family.

Exceptional at catching and killing any pests should any appear in your home.

She is sterilised, fiv/felv negative, petite in size, has an adorable face.

We will need windows to be meshed. Please contact 97214721 if you want to adopt this sweet girl into your house.

Cat Welfare Society

At Cat Welfare Society we believe every cat should live a life free from fear and suffering. This is why we exist, to help those who can't help themselves.


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