All Profiles >> Bella


Age 2 year(s)
Looking for Adopt or Foster
Gender Female
Breed Domestic Short Hair
Primary Color Tabby
Current Fosterer MayaRG
Contact Number 84990756

Bella is a sweet little girl who was found in our estate on a rainy night.

Bella is very adorable, gentle, affectionate, well-behaved and playful as well.  Bella enjoys human company immensely.  Suitable for family with kids or first time cat owners.

Bella is estimated to be 2 years old.

– Sterilized

– Microchipped

– Deflead

– Dewormed

– FIV/FELV negative

– Vaccinated

– Litter box trained


Adoption Requirements

  1. Meshing or installing small grilles (2 inch gap) is a must for windows/gates to prevent the cat from escaping or falling from height.
  2. Cat must be kept INDOORS
  3. Responsible caregiving and good quality wet and dry food to be provided.
  4. Home visits to be allowed – Pre-adoption and periodic home visits (pre-arranged)
  5. Adoption fees: $150 to cover her medical cost which includes FIV/FELV, vaccines, deworm, deflea. (Receipt will be shown to potential adopter). Signing of adoption contract applies.

For more information and to schedule a visit to meet Bella, pls watsapp @ 84990756


Cat Welfare Society

At Cat Welfare Society we believe every cat should live a life free from fear and suffering. This is why we exist, to help those who can't help themselves.


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