All Profiles >> Bonded 3 months old kittens looking for a forever home!

Bonded 3 months old kittens looking for a forever home!

Age 4 month(s)
Looking for Adopt
Gender Unknown
Breed Domestic Short Hair
Primary Color Tabby
Current Fosterer shoo1345



Strictly PAIR Adoption only!


Our two well loved eldest of the litter is looking for a forever home!
Their stray mama was picked up by us when she was pregnant and she is tested FIV/FELV negative.


They are 14 weeks old 😄
One male (Light orange) and one female (Grey tabby). They are very healthy and are the fattest among the litter too.
  • Domestic Short Hair
  • Litter box trained
  • 2nd vaccine on 24/9, 3rd vaccine to follow up by Adopter
Requirements :
  • House to be fully meshed, if not meshed please get it meshed in the meanwhile.
  • Keep them indoors and not caged at all times.
  • Allow home visit by us to check the environment of the house. If not you can send us video of your entire house with you included at times.
  • Financially stable.
  • To sterilise, microchip & license them when they’re 5-6 months old.
  • Adoption fee of $120/kitten to cover part of their vet fees/food/litter.
  • CWS guidelines apply!! (Which means signing of Adoption Contract is compulsory)
  • No house viewing but will provide videos if requested, will be bringing the kitties for you to see on the house viewing itself.
They are a bit shy bunch and will need time to open their hearts to you. We will need patient adopters to love and care for them.
Kittens are a 15-20 years of commitment, do discuss with your family before proceeding.


Interested parties please WhatsApp me.
We are able to go to your house for house viewing and proceed in a very fast paced if your house is fully meshed.

Cat Welfare Society

At Cat Welfare Society we believe every cat should live a life free from fear and suffering. This is why we exist, to help those who can't help themselves.


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