No reason why cat ownership programme can’t expand: K Shanmugam

LOVE CATS – Pilot Cat Ownership Project in Chong Pang

To qualify to be a cat owner in Chong Pang, cat owners will need to register with the Cat Welfare Society and abide by the following ownership conditions. The areas covered are Old Chong Pang and New Chong Pang.

Cat Ownership Conditions

* Only HDB residents in Chong Pang Constituency are eligible for the “LOVE CATS” pilot project.
* Existing owners must register with Cat Welfare Society by 31 Jan 2013.
* Ensure cat is microchipped.
* Ensure cat is sterilised by 5 months of age for female cat, and 6 months of age for male cat. * Ensure cat is kept indoors.
* Sign and adhere to a Code of Responsible Behaviour (CORB). * Sign an adoption contract with CWS/SPCA (for new owners only). 
* Only 1 cat per flat. Exceptions are on a case-by-case basis, subject to MP’s approval.


Owners must get their cat sterilised, micro-chipped and registered with CWS.

Owners must confine their cat indoors, taking care to cat-proof the house (e.g. using meshing on windows and doors).

Cat must be toilet trained. Cat toilet must be housed within the flat, and cleaned daily

Owners are to take proactive steps to address any other nuisance behaviour (including noise, defecation) raised by neighbours.


Incentive Microchipping & Sterilisation Package for Chong Pang cat owners from AAVC & AMK Vet

Animal & Avian Veterinary Clinic at Blk 716, Yishun St 71, #01-254 Microchip only: $40 Microchip with sterilisation: $35 Ear-tip sterilisation: Male $35 Female $50 – 60 No ear-tip sterilisation: Male $52 Female $70 – 90

AMK Veterinary Surgery at 31 Sembawang Road Microchip: S20 Ear-tip sterilisation: Male $30 Female $45 – 55 These rates are only valid if booking is made through the Cat Welfare Society before 31 Jan 2013. It is one cat per flat for NEW OWNERS.

For existing owners that meet the ownership conditions, there are grounds for exceptions on a case-by-case basis. Chong Pang existing owners, please do not be concerned about the one cat rule if you are a responsible owner. Please contact the Cat Welfare Society to be included in the pilot.

Chong Pang cat owners, please email the Cat Welfare Society at [email protected] for registration and vet booking details.

CNA | 13 Jul, 2013

No reason why cat ownership programme can't expand: K Shanmugam Tan Qiuyi

Law and Foreign Affairs Minister K Shanmugam said he wants to see the Chong Pang Cat Ownership programme replicated in other HDB estates. He told Channel NewsAsia he will be approaching other MPs to take up the programme, which allows residents to own a cat in their HDB flat. SINGAPORE: Law and Foreign Affairs Minister K Shanmugam said he wants to see the Chong Pang Cat Ownership programme replicated in other HDB estates. He told Channel NewsAsia he will be approaching other MPs to take up the programme, which allows residents to own a cat in their HDB flat. He said: "But of course we'll need the NGOs' support, we're going to need the MND's support, the MPs. I believe some of them will be willing to try it out, and then it can expand to other areas." Mr Shanmugam said the biggest challenge is getting the residents' buy-in for the programme. He was speaking at an animal welfare forum in Chong Pang on Saturday. The event saw activists, volunteers and animal lovers raise questions from the culling of strays and wild animals to banning shark’s fin, or even banning the commercial sale of pets. The Chong Pang Forum has become an annual affair for the animal welfare community in Singapore. Activists said a key challenge now is manpower. The success of the animal welfare movement will depend on whether more Singaporeans are willing to come forward to volunteer their time and effort. Source: CNA

MyPaper Views | 14 Jan, 2013

Pet commitment's vital Veron Lau

SINGAPORE – We agree with Ms Chua Kim Choo's view expressed in her letter, "Hold registered cat owners responsible" (My Paper, Jan 8). The cat-ownership pilot project that she referred to, Love Cats, was launched in October last year. Residents from 123 blocks in Chong Pang are allowed to keep one cat per flat under the two-year programme. [Note: Residents with more than one cat can appeal if they meet the ownership conditions.] The Cat Welfare Society is in the process of registering cat owners in Chong Pang. Their details are collected as part of the registration process, together with an indication of whether ownership conditions are met. These conditions include sterilising, microchipping and keeping pet cats indoors. We have been encouraged to find many responsible cat owners in Chong Pang. Those that do not meet the ownership conditions are given a time frame to meet them. The conditions are for the benefit of the cats, as much as it is to ensure that the owners can live with non-pet owners harmoniously. Sterilisation is important in preventing unwanted litters. It may also help prevent certain types of cancer from developing in a cat's life. Microchipping is for easy identification and traceability, should a cat go missing. Keeping pet cats indoors ensures their safety, as well as prevents them from becoming a nuisance to neighbours. Cat abuse is a heinous and condemnable crime. However, more cats have suffered at the hands of irresponsible owners through neglect and abandonment. Pets are for life and ensuring that owners honour their commitment to their pet is the ultimate objective of regulating cat ownership. Source: AsiaOne

MyPaper Views | 8 Jan, 2013

Hold registered cat owners responsible Chua Kim Choo Channel News Asia | 29 Dec, 2012

2012 opened new possibilities for stray animals to find homes Kimberly Spykerman

Pilot programmes were launched to gauge if they were suitable for HDB living. Since the launch of a nationwide project in April to re-home medium-size stray dogs in HDB estates, animal activists are hopeful that such animals will find a loving home. The project is spearheaded by the Action for Singapore Dogs (ASD) and the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA). "This project has been quite a big breakthrough for us because now it allows some of these dogs to be taken off the streets, to at least find other avenues for homes," said Ricky Yeo, president at ASD. In Chong Pang, steps have also been taken in October to let cats live in HDB flats. But activists say it is important to emphasise responsible pet ownership if the projects are to succeed. Debra Low, programme manager at Cat Welfare Society said: "We arrange sterilisation and micro-chipping as well. We actually send transport to and from the vet to their houses. Another thing we do is to follow up with a call and house visit, to check whether the house is properly meshed up, cat-proofed, and to see whether the cat is well." For dog owners in the programme, they are encouraged to get feedback from their neighbours before the adoption takes place. After getting the all-clear, they have to attend a basic obedience course with their dogs. "It's always that little effort you make that makes a big difference. For example, seeing a person that's approaching that's very afraid of dogs, and just taking a different direction or even just shielding your dog makes a world of difference. These are always the little things we emphasise to the families to try and pre-empt problems from happening," said ASD's Mr Yeo. He added that adoption counsellors usually call on a regular basis, or even visit, to make sure the dog is settling in well. To date, the authorities say 15 medium-size mixed breed dogs have been rehomed, while the Cat Welfare Society said that more than 50 cats are now on their list. Both projects are supported by the Ministry of National Development (MND), HDB, and the Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority (AVA). Pet owners who joined the programmes say they did so for various reasons. "Once the cats are in the programme with my name as their owner, it sort of safeguards them in the event any of my cats get into trouble outside," said Ho Qi Xian, an undergraduate. "I think it's going to curb the stray cat population definitely, and in the long run, I think this programme is only a stepping stone in cases where we need to fight for cat rights." "We decided to do something, our bit for society. We believe in a cause so when we moved here, we decided: 'Why not? let's open our homes, open our hearts, give a stray dog a second chance at life'," said Lester Teo, a commercial shipping executive. Recommendations by a committee to strengthen current laws on animal welfare are expected to be finalised soon. The committee is chaired by Mr Yeo Guat Kwang, a member of the Ministry of National Development's Government Parliamentary Committee. The committee comprises community grassroots leaders, and representatives from animal welfare groups, the pet industry, and the veterinary profession. Acting Minister for Manpower and Senior Minister of State of National Development Tan Chuan-Jin said in November that the recommendations will be submitted to MND in the coming months. There will be four key aspects: ensuring reasonable care and welfare of animals; stepping up action against wrong-doers; fostering greater responsibility in the industry to ensure animal welfare; fostering greater responsibility amongst pet owners, and encouraging greater community awareness of animal welfare. Source: CNA

TODAY VOICES | 8 Nov, 2012

Errant cat owners face these penalties Lim Lea Lea Director (Branch Operations), Housing & Development Board

We refer to the letter "HDB should spell out the penalties for errant cat owners" (Oct 24). The Love Cats two-year pilot project in Chong Pang is a Cat Welfare Society (CWS) initiative supported by the Member of Parliament for Nee Soon Group Representation Constituency and the involved government agencies. Under this project, Chong Pang cat owners must comply with a list of ownership conditions and adhere to a Code of Responsible Behaviour, which includes: – Registration of resident's and cat's particulars with the CWS, including cat microchip details, to enable the CWS to trace cats to their owners, such as for missing pet cases, and monitor feedback from other residents. – Cat sterilisation to address potential abandonment and the management of the stray cat population, as well as to reduce potential nuisance, for example, caterwauling. – Keeping the cat in the flat so that it does not disturb neighbours or dirty the common areas. As the project has just been launched, fellow residents may be concerned about potential disamenities caused by cats. To minimise these, a community management framework was put in place before the launch. Interested cat owners are put through a rigorous screening process by the CWS to ensure that they can be responsible owners. A mediation mechanism is also in place for any disputes with neighbours. The CWS will assist in the mediation, if required. It will counsel and work with pet owners who do not comply with the rules and cause nuisance. After the third repeated offence, these irresponsible owners will be asked to remove their cat for rehoming. The Housing and Development Board will follow this up with a warning letter and prosecution, if necessary, which may result in a fine of up to S$4,000 upon conviction. Feedback from the public on the pilot project will help the CWS and government agencies to fine-tune it and will help for the review at the end of the two years. Source: TODAY

TODAY | 22 Oct, 2012 Source: TODAY

Zaobao | 21 Oct, 2012

忠邦区123座组屋居民可养猫 胡洁梅  

鼓励爱猫者履行责任,义顺忠邦区展开试验计划,允许区内居民在组屋内养猫,但猫主须遵守一套严格规则,包括为猫结扎以及向猫福利协会登记。   在计划下,忠邦区内123座组屋的居民,可申请在家中养猫,并于明年1月底前向猫福利协会(Cat Welfare Society)登记,提供猫主与猫身份微晶片资料,方便协会监督与处理居民反馈。所有参加计划的猫主都必须签署一份指导守则,承诺当负责任的猫主。 试验计划为期两年   外交部长兼律政部长尚穆根昨天出席猫福利协会在义顺环路举行的活动时,宣布这项名为“爱猫”(Love Cats)的养猫试验计划。   尚穆根也是义顺集选区议员。他说,这项计划旨在实施一套管理准则,确保人们负责任养猫,使养猫行为不影响其他居民的生活。这将鼓励各利益相关者,共同打造一个亲宠物的社区。如果计划成功,这将是展现政府部门、动物福利组织与社区协作的良好示范。   目前,政府未允许居民在组屋单位养猫。为期两年的试验计划仅在忠邦区展开,由猫福利协会主导,并获得国家发展部、建屋发展局、农粮与兽医局、三巴旺—义顺市镇会以及忠邦基层组织的支持。   国家发展部去年7月成立跨部门工作小组负责征询公众意见,探讨解决日益受关注的野猫野狗问题。其中建议就包括允许居民在组屋里养猫。 想加入试验计划的忠邦区居民,可向猫福利协会与新加坡防止虐待动物协会(SPCA)领养猫,每个组屋单位只限养一只。现有的猫主也应向协会登记,猫福利协会将依情况处理拥有超过一只猫的猫主。   参加计划者要接受猫福利协会的问卷调查与访问,确保他们能妥善与负责任地照顾他们的宠猫。协会也将教育猫主正确的管理方式,避免猫在邻里制造噪音、环境清洁等问题。计划包括一个调解机制来处理区内的宠物问题,猫主应积极看待居民反馈。   加入计划的猫主须承诺让猫接受结扎,并将猫养在屋内,确保它们不在外头随意大小便。而为避免干扰其他居民,猫主应在门与窗户装上类似窗花的装置,避免猫溜出门外。   义顺居民何啟贤(23岁)对计划表示支持。他今年先后领养了两只已结扎的猫。为避免它们跑出去影响邻居,他在门与窗户装上网纱。他说:“要公众接受宠物猫,我们身为猫主有责任做好本分,确保猫不跑出外弄脏地方。 家人起初也不太赞成我养猫,认为猫又野又脏。但只要对猫多加‘管教’,它们是可以成为很乖的宠物。宠物猫现在已获得家人的喜爱。”   国家发展部将继续与猫福利协会及其他利益相关者合作,了解计划的成效。解决野猫问题需要各单位的支持。农粮局去年7月开始与猫福利协会合作,在三巴旺—义顺、宏茂桥、淡滨尼和马林百列市镇会管理的组屋区内为野猫进行结扎。结扎费用一半由农粮局承担,另一半由协会承担。 Source: Zaobao

Straits Times | 21 Oct, 2012

Cats in HDB flats under pilot scheme Melody Zaccheus

Cat lovers living in HDB flats will be allowed to keep a cat as a pet under a two-year pilot scheme that covers about 120 blocks in Chong Pang. The programme aims to encourage responsible ownership, with a rigorous screening process for those who want to have the animal in their home. And when issues with the pets arise, a mediation mechanism will help to resolve them. The Love Cats programme is supported by the Ministry of National Development, the Housing Development Board, the Agri-food and Veterinary Authority of Singapore, Chong Pang Citizens' Consultative Committee and Sembawang-Nee Soon Town Council. Law and Foreign Minister K. Shanmugam, the MP for Nee Soon GRC, said that, if successful, the project could serve as a model for other estates. "We will see in two years if this is doable," he said. The project follows the establishment of an inter-agency task force in July last year to review policies on pet ownership and managing strays. Cat lovers in Chong Pang constituency have welcomed the project, saying they have been dealing with the issue of strays for years. Ms Penny Tan, 61, who has helped sterilise about 3000 cats from the area in the past decade, said they used to be a nuisance. "There was a lot of fighting and caterwauling," she said. "Kittens were also victims of roadkill." Ms Jocelyn Tan, a 37 year-old accounts executive who once fostered a cat, said: "This is a good step forward but it will take some time for awareness of responsible ownership practices to reach every neighbourhood and estate in Singapore." Mr Shanmugam said the project will encourage a harmonious living environment between neighbours and their pets. "The aim is to ensure that such cat ownership does not unreasonably interfere with the way non-cat owner neighbours lead their lives," he said. While the ministry will be reviewing the effectiveness of the pilot programme, the HDB's ban on cat ownership in flats in other estates remains. Residents who sign up for the programme will have to stick to a code of responsible behaviour. They must microchip and sterilise their cats and confine them indoors. They must also catproof the flat by using meshing on windows and doors as the felines have a tendency to sneak through gaps and leap out of windows. HDB residents in the constituency who wish to take part must register with the Cat Welfare Society by Jan 31. Source: Straits Times

TODAY | 20 Oct, 2012

Chong Pang residents can own one cat per flat

SINGAPORE – Good news for feline lovers in Chong Pang. From today, residents in the area's 123 blocks are allowed to own one cat per flat under the "Love Cats" programme. The programme was launched on Saturday by the area's MP, Mr K Shanmugam, who is also the Law and Foreign Affairs Minister. Chong Pang residents who currently have a cat and wish to keep it must register with the Cat Welfare Society by January. The programme is part of a two-year pilot on cat ownership organised by the Cat Welfare Society. The move is supported by the Ministry of National Development, Housing and Development Board, Agri-food & Veterinary Authority of Singapore, Chong Pang Citizens' Consultative Committee and Sembawang-Nee Soon Town Council. The project aims to define what it means to be a responsible cat owner in an HDB estate. Some conditions include micro-chipping the cat, keeping the cats indoors and cat-proofing the house by using meshing on windows and doors. The felines must also be toilet trained, sterilised and registered with the Cat Welfare Society. Mr Shanmugam said: "We need to be very careful and very sensitive to the wishes and feelings of those who have very little to do with animals, or who don't understand animals. Let us work together. And I hope that at the end of two years, the project will be successful so that it can be a model that can be replicated." CHANNEL NEWSASIA Source: TODAYonline

xinmsn | 21 Oct, 2012

饲养一只猫的限制是针对新的宠物主人。对于现有的住户,他们需要满足所有的饲养的条件,而有关当局将会按照个别情况及例外来处理。现有的忠邦猫宠物主人,若你是个负责任的主人,请别担心关于饲养一只猫的规则。若想参与这个试验计划,请与猫福利协会接洽。谢谢。 尚穆根:忠邦区居民可合法在组屋住家内养猫 忠邦区123座组屋的爱猫居民能够在试验计划下,合法在组屋住家内养猫。 也是义顺集选区议员的外交兼律政部长尚穆根宣布,为期两年的试验计划即日起在忠邦区推行,居民只要为猫儿装上晶片和进行绝育手术,并在明年1月底前,向猫福利协会登记注册,同时承诺把宠物养在屋内,就能在组屋单位内饲养猫儿;每户只能饲养一只。 养猫人士也必须签署和遵守《负责任行为准则》,确保采取措施,避免对邻居造成困扰。那些向猫福利协会或新加坡防止虐待动物协会领养猫儿的人,也必须签署领养条约。 此外,国家发展部将同猫福利协会合作,通过试验计划来测试和检讨饲养宠物社区管理架构的成效。这套架构涵盖三个重点,包括确保宠物主人负责任、对宠物主人进行严格筛选、以及设立解决宠物问题的调解机制。在这段期间,其他组屋区的组屋单位内不允许养猫的规定不变。 尚穆根表示,试验计划鼓励相关各方通力合作,为邻居和宠物之间营造和维持和谐的居住环境。尚穆根说,未来两年,如果当局认为试验计划成功,相关课题可以获得妥善管理,当局可能会把计划扩大到我国其他地区。 Source: xinmsn

MND Press Release | 20 Oct, 2012

Love Cats” Cat Ownership Pilot Project In Chong Pang

1. Residents from a total of 123 blocks in Chong Pang will be involved in a 2-year cat ownership pilot project starting today. Called “Love Cats”, this pilot project was officially launched by Minister K Shanmugam, in his capacity as MP for Nee Soon GRC this morning in Chong Pang.

2. The “Love Cats” pilot project is led by the Cat Welfare Society (CWS), with support from the local Adviser, Ministry of National Development (MND), Housing and Development Board (HDB), and Agri-food & Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AVA), Chong Pang Citizens’ Consultative Committee and Sembawang-Nee Soon Town Council.

3. This pilot project is to test out a community management framework on responsible pet ownership. The pilot community management framework has three main focuses: (a) ensuring pet owners are responsible; (b) providing a rigorous screening process for pet owners; and (c) setting up a mediation mechanism to resolve pet issues. This framework involves the residents and the larger community, animal welfare groups and public agencies working together to build a conducive and quality living environment for all to live in, together with our pets.

4. Residents from the 123 blocks in Chong Pang will be allowed to own one pet cat per flat. New adopters can adopt a cat from the CWS or the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA). All pilot participants will need to comply with the ownership conditions and a Code of Responsible Behaviour. This pilot project complements the on-going Stray Cat Sterilisation Programme (SCSP) at Chong Pang which involves CWS, AVA and Sembawang-Nee Soon Town Council.

5. MND will work with CWS and the rest of the stakeholders to review the outcomes and the effectiveness of the community management framework during the 2-year pilot. In the meantime, there is no change to HDB’s rule on cat ownership in other HDB estates.

6. Minister Shanmugam, MP for Nee Soon GRC, said “How we treat the issue of animal welfare will be reflective of how compassionate a society we are. This pilot cat ownership project in Chong Pang will try and put in place a proper management system to ensure responsible cat ownership. The aim is to ensure that such cat ownership does not unreasonably interfere with the way non cat-owner neighbours lead their lives. The pilot project will encourage all stakeholders to work together to create and maintain a harmonious living environment between neighbours and their pets. If the project is successful, then it can be a good model of what can be achieved through the partnership of the community, animal welfare groups and government agencies.”

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