FAQ on Cat Management Framework, May-June 2024

CWS has compiled some responses to FAQ as set out below.

1. When and how do I license my cattos?

When: On 1 September 2024, when AVS extends the Pet Animal Licensing System (PALS) online to cats.

How: Visit www.pals.avs.gov.sg and log in via your Singpass/PALS account. You will need to (a) microchip your cat(s) and (b) complete a on-time free online pet ownership course before registering the license.

You should complete this before 31 August 2026 so that all your cats can be licensed for free. From 1 September 2026 there will be a limit on the number of cats you can own and licensing fees will apply.

2. What is microchipping and how do I get it done for my cats?

Microchipping is a process where a small rice grain sized chip is inserted into the cat’s skin near the neck area. It has a unique identity number will help you to identify your cat for registration. If your cat accidentally gets last, you can use that discrete number to identify you cat also.

You an go to any vet to get microchipping done for your cats. You can also check online for free microchipping by AVS at their events.

3. What’s going to be covered in the online course?

The course will cover aspects of responsible pet ownership and it will be standardised for everyone. If you know anyone who needs help to either access the course or who don’t know how to complete the training, please do help them out from 1 September 2024 when the course goes live. AVS has stated that they are looking into ways to provide support on this as well.

4. How much do I have to pay for the licenses?

From 1 September 2024 – 31 August 2026: FREE

(a) For sterilised cats – licenses have lifetime validity

(b) For unsterilised cats, licenses will be free until 31 August 2026 only. From 1 September 2026, it will be $90/unsterilised cat/year.

From 1 September 2026 onward:

(a) For sterilised cats – $35/cat/lifetime

(b) For unsterilised cats – $90/unsterilised cat/year

Owning an unlicensed cat will be an offence from 1 September 2024.

5. I have more than two cats now. Will I have to give them up?

Absolutely not. If you are a current pet owner with more than two cats now, you can get them all licensed with AVS before 31 August 2026.

From 1 September 2026, new pet owners (or those pet owners who failed to register before 31 August 2026) will only be allowed to keep up to two cats in HDBs or up to 3 cats and/or dogs in private residences.

Please note that if you are already keeping cats beyond the allowed number limit, you will need special approval from HDB and AVS before you can have more pet cats.

6. Will the microchip be visible across the cat’s body?

No. The microchip is very, very small, like a rice grain. It is inserted in a very quick procedure to the back of the neck area of the cat. Any vet can do this and it takes only a few seconds to complete. To read the microchip, you will need a microchip scanner that you can buy online. You move the scanner around the neck area and it will show you the cat’s microchip number. Every microchip number is unique, like your IC/FI, so it helps you identify the exact cat.

7. Can I adopt more cats between 1 Sep 2024 and 31 Aug 2026?

CWS has checked with AVS on this. AVS has shared that those who wish to take in new cats (above the number limit of 2 in HDB and 3 in private premises) during the transition period should write to AVS for assistance. Each request will be assesed on a case by case basis, taking in consideration various factors including the cats’ health and welfare, and mitigating measures to prevent disamenities to neighbours.

8. How do I transfer a microchip from the previous caregiver / owner to myself ?

To transfer microchip number, you should log into the ifast site with your Singpass and initiate the transfer – https://ifast.sfa.gov.sg/eserviceweb

9. What happens with temporary caregiving situations, like cat sitting or fostering, after 1 September 2024?

For fosters, CWS is working with AVS and other stakeholers on a fostering framework that will allow you to continue to do the meaningful work you have undertaken. The criteria for fostering are not expected to differ from the standards that all pet cat owners should adhere to since that is a minimum standard of care for each cat.

10. How do I register my cats?

The licensing portal for cats will only become operational from 1 September 2024. It will be the same as the dog licensing, so you can refer to this site for an idea of the steps that you will need to take from 1 September 2024. There is also a user guide available on the NParks site with step-by-step instructions.

Cat Welfare Society

At Cat Welfare Society we believe every cat should live a life free from fear and suffering. This is why we exist, to help those who can't help themselves.


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