For Singapore-based movements like Cat Welfare Society, social media plays a large part in getting the word out there. With a big cat community, which have inspired popular Facebook pages like Humans of New York-esque page, Cats of Singapore, and Cats of…
Chapter 13 Zones of Contagion: The Singapore Body Politic and the Body of the Street-Cat 2013 Lucy Davis The outbreak of SARS in early 2003 provided the Singapore government with an opportunity to renew a historic obsession with hygiene,…
The previous legislation prohibits a wide range of cruel conduct to animals, from beating, kicking, ill-treatment to abandonment. Under the new law, pet owners, animal-related businesses, animal shelters, people who foster animals and those who care for animals on…

Research Collection School Of Law, 2013 Alvin W. L. See This article offers an overview and assessment of the laws relating to the protection of animals in Singapore and Malaysia. The focus is on identifying the interpretations of the…
ODAY, 7 May 2012, p 10, 12 & 14 Since last May’s General Election, the Government has been reaching out more to civil society and netizens. How successful has it been? What has been the impact on policymaking?
Policies are as good as its perceived fairness and integrity.
Policies however are often made with very practical concerns in mind – social order and enforceability. As such, advocacy for change must focus not only on why policies should be changed but how they can be changed to be fairer, more inclusive while still upholding social order and enforceability.
Part of a talk by CWS, together with SPCA and Vegetarian Society of Singapore, on the intelligence and emotions of animals that was aired at the South & West Asia Vegetarian Congress, held in Bangalore on 30 Oct-1 Nov…