CWS advocates for responsible caregiving and responsible cat ownership in Singapore.
Responsible Cat Ownership
CWS has worked tirelessly in advocating for the legalisation of cat ownership in HDBs and in 2024, we expect to see new legislation come into play overturning the ban. Through our door-to-door data collection run over several years, we were able to prove that the majority of cat owners in HDBs are in fact responsible.
We have also identified the basic criteria that should be adhered to by cat owners and have worked closely with authorities on setting up the framework for all cat owners.
Pet cats will benefit greatly from a common standard of responsible cat ownership as owners are expected to fulfil their duty of care toward them by providing sufficient food and care, along with ensuring that no disamenities are caused by the owned cats to their neighbours. To that end, CWS is also working closely with AVS on the implementation, check and penalty regimes.
Responsible caregiving
CWS works to ensure that community cats continue to live their life without fear of removal. To that end, CWS has set up a set of responsible caregiving guidelines to ensure that community cats are cared for in a responsible manner. These guidelines are binding on caregivers and deviations thereto are investigated and penalised with the assistance of the National Environment Agency.
CWS also assists with ensuring any feedback on community cats is thoroughly investigated and resolved humanely. Specifically, we have spent almost a decade proving that the previous methodology of culling that had been employed by the goverment was both baseless and pointless.